Reducing the size of self-contained .NET Core applications

Just for note keeping, I've written down some methods of reducing the size of a .NET Core application. I thought others could use it as well, so here you go.

Original Size

First off, let's see how much disk space a self-contained 'hello world' application takes up.

> dotnet new console
> dotnet publish -r win-x86 -c release

Size: 53.9 MB - yuck!


Microsoft has built a tool that finds unused assemblies and removes them from the distribution package. This is much needed since the 'netcoreapp2.0' profile is basically .NET Framework all over again, and it contains a truckload of assemblies our little 'hello world' application don't use.

> dotnet new console
> dotnet add package Microsoft.Packaging.Tools.Trimming -v 1.1.0-preview1-25818-01
> dotnet publish -r win-x86 -c release /p:TrimUnusedDependencies=true

Size: 15.8 MB

Much better! Although, we have only removed unused assemblies - what about unused code?


The Mono team over at Xamarin has built a linker that can remove unused code from assemblies. If you only use List<T> from System.Collections.Generic.dll, why have HashSet<T> and all the other classes? This has a huge impact reflection obviously, so use with care.

> dotnet new console
> dotnet new nuget

Open nuget.config and add <add key="dotnet-core" value="" />

> dotnet add package ILLink.Tasks -v 0.1.4-preview-981901
> dotnet publish -r win-x86 -c release

Size: 22.9 MB

Not as good as trimming it seems, but definitely better than doing nothing.

.NET Native

In the world of C, we have a thing called 'static linking' which means all assemblies get linked into a single assembly. This is very nice for small applications or deployments that can't rely on existing assemblies on the system. C# does not have this feature, but with .NET Native we get something very close.

.NET Native is actually a refactored runtime called CoreRT, which uses RyuJIT to create native assemblies. Getting it to work is not as easy as trimming or linking since unfortunately Microsoft only supports UWP as a native platform. .NET Core is therefore left out in the cold for now.

1. Download CMake 3.8 or later. I choose cmake-3.10.1-win64-x64.msi
2. Make sure you have Visual Studio 2017 with C++ support installed
3. Download the latest successful build. Check their Jenkins for commit hash.
4. Unpack the content to c:\corert\
5. Open 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017'
6. Now you should compile .NET Native:

> cd c:\corert
> build.bat release

Note that it takes a long time to download missing packages and compile the whole project.

7. Create a new .NET Core project and add .NET Native msbuild targets:

> mkdir c:\test
> cd c:\test
> dotnet new console
> set IlcPath=c:\corert\bin\Windows_NT.x64.Release

8. edit test.csproj and add the two lines just before '</Project>':

<Import Project="$(MSBuildSDKsPath)\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.targets" />
<Import Project="$(IlcPath)\build\Microsoft.NETCore.Native.targets" />

> dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c release

Size: 3.95 MB

Wow! Unused assembles and unused code has been removed and everything is statically compiled into an executable. Note that I used x64 and not x86 in the .NET Native build, as I'm not sure .NET Native supports x86 fully yet.

Bonus: Trim and Link

We can actually use both trimming and linking to reduce the size of the application further. It seems that the trimmer is better at finding unused assemblies than the linker is, but if we do both steps, the trimmer will remove assemblies and the linker will remove the dead code from the remaining assemblies.

Just add both steps together like this:

> dotnet new console
> dotnet new nuget

Open nuget.config and add <add key="dotnet-core" value="" />

> dotnet add package ILLink.Tasks -v 0.1.4-preview-981901
> dotnet add package Microsoft.Packaging.Tools.Trimming -v 1.1.0-preview1-25818-01
> dotnet publish -r win-x86 -c release /p:TrimUnusedDependencies=true

Size: 14.9 MB

Final size is pretty much as low as it gets right now without native compilation.


We can easily reduce the size of self-contained .NET Core application, we just have to add the right packages and switches. Microsoft has changed the behaviour of the .NET Core project and publish system several times now, which has made pretty difficult to find the right documentation, so hopefully, this small blog post will sort it out.


NetCoreDiscover said…
Thank you, This article is exactly what i was looking for.
You helped me a lot !
GLeBaTi said…
Hi. I can't find Microsoft.Packaging.Tools.Trimming in nuget. How can i reduce size in .net core 2.1? I have a lot unused dll's in output foler.
Genbox said…
It is right here:

It is a pre-release package which is why it does not show up in Visual Studio's Nuget manager by default. You can tick the "Include prerelease" checkbox in VS and it shows up in the search results.
The Tramming docs is
I think I am unable to use the source for the linker:

% dotnet add package ILLink.Tasks -v 0.1.4-preview-981901
Determining projects to restore...
Writing /var/folders/xw/2sf15j3s52d1wsy1p_z4sb980000gp/T/tmpc7MlQ6.tmp
info : Adding PackageReference for package 'ILLink.Tasks' into project '/Users/username/src/MyProject/MyProject.csproj'.
info : Restoring packages for /Users/username/src/MyProject/MyProject.csproj...
info : GET
info : NotFound 159ms
error: Unable to load the service index for source
error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
error: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch

What can I do?
Genbox said…
Your error states that it could not connect to due to a mismatch in the name of the certificate from the server. Seems Myget has some TLS problems at the moment.
I think the problem is not momentary, I believe it's domain name might have changed. I think I either need up to date source or a way of skipping remote certificate name verification somehow.

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