Synchronizing Google Calendar with iPhone and Outlook

I bring this little tutorial to show how to synchronize Google Calendar with both iPhone and Outlook. I use Outlook 2010 and iPhone iOS 4.0.1 for this tutorial.

Outlook 2010

  1. Download and install Google Calendar Sync. This will enable you to syncronize between Google Calendar and Outlook.
  2. Test out the synchronization by creating an event in Outlook calendar, right-click on the Google Calendar Sync icon in the notification area, and click “Sync”. Your event should show up in Google Calendar.

iPhone iOS 4.x

  1. Click “Settings” and click on “Mail, Contacts and Calendars”.
  2. Click “Add account” and pick “Microsoft Exchange” (Yes, we use Microsoft Exchange in this case. It enables Google Mail, Google Contacts and Google Calendar push-notifications support)
  3. Enter your information:
    1. E-Mail
    2. Leave Domain blank
    3. Your username; put your full email here
    4. Your password
    5. Description contains the name of the account. You can leave it to the default or choose one yourself.
  4. Once you click Next, it should take 2 seconds and a Server field appears. Enter “” and click Next again.
  5. Select the services you want to sync. I have both mail and calendars synchronized with Google.

That is it. When you create a new event in Google Calendar, it will appear a few seconds after on your iPhone.

Shared Google calendars

A friend of mine and I share a calendar on Google Calendar. Unfurtnaly it can’t be synced with Google Calendar Sync since it only works with your default Google calendar and default Outlook calendar. However, there is a way to make your iPhone work with shared calendars:

  1. On your iPhone, go to the address:
  2. Log in to Google using your Google account.
  3. If it tells you that your device is unsupported, switch the language to English and it should disappear.
  4. Select your device from the list.
  5. Select the calendars you would like to sync.

Note: This did not work on my phone right away. I had to untick it and tick the shared calendar again before it worked.


Google has a sync page that gives you a tutorial for your device. The same tutorial as I wrote can be found here for iPhone. I will let this post live because it contains information not found in the Google sync tutorial (like step 3 in shared calendars).


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