The history of gperf
In this post I'll document my research into the history of gperf. A copy of the historical documents and source code referenced in this post can be found here . If you have worked with hashing you have probably used gperf. It is a tool you give a list of keywords and outputs C/C++ code to lookup if a keyword is contained within the list. The lookup function is incredibly fast and looks like black magic. In 1979 Richard J. Cichelli wrote an article titled Minimal Perfect Hash Functions Made Simple . January 1980 it was published in Communications of the ACM, Volume 23, Issue 1. Back then Richard worked as a Research Manager for American Newspaper Publishers Association Research Institute, but was doing this as part of his own company Software Consulting Services (SCS) which he ran with his wife Martha Cichelli until 2021. Today, Richard's article is known as Cichelli's Method and works by computing a hash based on the first and last character of the input, as well...